June 2012

Image Description — Figure 11: Data architecture

This image is a flow chart of the Iowa DOT's Snow Plow Portal data architecture. In the upper left corner is a photograph of snow plows plowing a highway. From it, an arrow labeled “Sends Data” points to the right to a box containing two images: a data storage device labeled “MySQL” and an image of a cloud labeled “Amazon Web Services.” From this box, an arrow labeled “LTI Navigo” points to the right to a screenshot of the portal. Also from the box, a second arrow points down to a data storage device labeled “Oracle® Database” and an Oracle® Spatial logo.

In the lower left of the chart is a box labeled “DOT LRS,” which contains two items: an image of a data storage device labeled “Oracle® Database” and the Oracle® Spatial logo. From it, an arrow labeled “Winter Segments” points to the same Oracle® database and Oracle® Spatial logo that is pointed to by the box in the top flow. Two arrows point out from this database/logo combo: one labeled “Real Time” and one labeled “History.”

The “Real Time” arrow points up to a box containing the following two items: “·Process each minute” and “·Create 6 Hour Crumbs.” This box has an arrow that points down to a box labeled “Custom Views.”

The “History” arrow points to the right to a box labeled “Process each half hour (aggregation).” This box has an arrow that points up to the “Custom Views” box.

The “Custom Views” box has three arrows that point to boxes labeled “GeoWeb Services,” “Reports,” and “Applications.” An arrow points from the “GeoWeb Services” box to a box labeled “Applications.”