2. How many different groups/parties/offices are involved, and how did they become involved? What is the organizational structure?
Data Availability and Use
3. Who administers and/or manages application and/or data? Why? Did you develop your own, buy it or contract for its creation, or work in partnership with anyone?
4. Who currently has access to your geospatial data? All staff, mapping staff only, partnering agencies, the public? (Is it an internal review system/ multi-agency coordination tools or is there a general public version?)
5. In what ways is the GIS program/application(s) helping to make better transportation decisions?
6. How much has developing your program/applications cost?7. Is there funding for maintenance? Have staff and funding been allocated for future maintenance?
8. What have been the biggest obstacles to acquiring geospatial information and how did you handle them?
9. What have been some of the obstacles in implementing the program/applications?
10. What has been learned from the setup of your GIS infrastructure? Do you have advice for others undertaking a project/application of this nature?
11. In your opinion, what are the critical success factors for a GIS application and infrastructure?
12. What new projects/activities are planned? Who proposes new projects, and who decides which projects will be pursued?
13. How could FHWA better support agencies in implementing new GIS programs?